Euiyoung Hwang’s Profile

Euiyoung Hwang ( / Linkedin( : Search, Data & AI Software Engineer

I have ten years of experience in working with a modern search platform (Elasticsearch, Google Search Appliance with Google Apps) and in building data pipelines(e.g & rest api services around it as a search engineer/senior software engineer. Especially, I am an expert in the Search Engine with a bunch of api from elasticsearch and rest_api environment using Python Web Stacks with Docker because I have been handling the entire version of ES from 1.7 up to 7.9 (i.e building ES cluster from the scrach, handling index mappings with a lof of analyzers and resolving complex query based on domain needs)

In FiscalNote (2022.07 ~ 2023.07), I contributed to improve search relevance with complex queries such as func_score to adjust the weight to search results and query performance with clusters. In more detail, I did the following:

In particular, I remember that I have been building and implementing ‘Enterprise Search Services’ for seven years based on Elasticsearch in South Korea. As a result of my contributions that I was having a success story interview at the elastic on seoul conference( At that time, I participated in the Google search engine replacement project( as project leader and senior software engineer.

The screenshots attached below are for the Success Story with Elasticsearch Interview, Elastic on Seoul Conference, 2018 ( when i worked as Senior Software Engineer & Search/Data Engineer at POSC ICT, South Korea (Received an award in POST ICT, 2016,

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if you want to watch the video, please go to this url ( after set subtitled to English (I was in the middle of guys)

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Recently, I am personally implementing to Rest-Api Endpoint as test projects using python, flask/fastapi(,, and nestjs( The service allows you to search from a search engine (elasticsearch) and Postgres. It is also implemented based on Docker, and is being built, executed, and tested. Also I am interested with similary search such as huggingface embedding, vectorized search using Faiss and so on. (

Rest-API on OPEN API Specifiation(Swagger)

      type: object
          type: string
          description: Full text search
          default: "Cryptocurrency"
          nullable: true
          type: string
          format: date
          description: Start date
          default: "2021 01-01 00:00:00"
          type: integer
          description: The number of size
          default: 20
          type: string
            - DESC
            - ASC
          type: boolean
          description: Flag to enable/disabled aggregations which can slow down queries
          type: string
          format: date
          description: pit_id
          example: ""
           type: array
            type: string
           default: ["*"]

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Docker in my local Environment

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I have set up & tested to monitor with alert throught slack such as search engines, restapi endpoints and other application’s metrics using prometheus, alertmanager and grafana. Elasticsearch Prometheus Exporter is a builtin exporter from Elasticsearch to Prometheus. It collects all relevant metrics and makes them available to Prometheus via the Elasticsearch REST API. This is an open source project - Cluster status, Node Status such as JVM, Indices, Circuit Breaker : the feature to prevent OOM occurrence Alt text

loading at once and evaluate the rule periodically based on ‘evaluation_interval’


  # My local environment to install node-exporter Docker instance
  # docker run --rm -p 9100:9100 prom/node-exporter 
  # docker compose up -d node-exporter
    # http://localhost:9100/metrics
    image: prom/node-exporter
    container_name: node_exporter
      - prometheus
    restart: always
    - 9100:9100

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Prometheus (Build Docker on my local environment with Elasticsearch-Exporter/Python-Export/FastAPI Plugin to gather all relevant metrics)

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Python Webservice monitoring

Elastic Stack Monitoring

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/usr/local/bin/metricbeat -e –path.home=/home/devuser/ES/metricbeat-8.8.0-linux-arm64

– sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/metricbeat.service

[Unit] Description=Metricbeat Service

[Service] Type=simple User=devuser Group=devuser WorkingDirectory=/home/devuser/ES/metricbeat-8.8.0-linux-arm64 #ExecStart=/home/devuser/ES/metricbeat-8.8.0-linux-arm64b/ ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/metricbeat -e –path.home=/home/devuser/ES/metricbeat-8.8.0-linux-arm64 Restart=on-failure


– Service Registry sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Autostart when rebooting

sudo systemctl enable metricbeat.service

start to service

sudo systemctl start metricbeat.service sudo systemctl status metricbeat.service

– Log check journalctl -u metricbeat.service ``` Alt text